PaleMoon Browser
PaleMoon Browser

2024年2月3日—PaleMoon開發團隊認為Firefox瀏覽器並沒有針對Windows來進行優化,因此他們將Firefox瀏覽器重新優化編譯,大幅提昇了速度和效率,因此誕生了Pale ...,PaleMoonisanopen-sourcewebbrowserwithanemphasisoncustomization;itsmottoisYourbrowser,Yourway....

Pale Moon for Windows

PaleMoonisanopensourceprojectthatisbasedontheMozillabrowserbutincludesmanyadditionalfeaturestotrytoimproveitsstability,efficiency,and ...

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Pale Moon 33.0.0 免安裝中文版

2024年2月3日 — Pale Moon 開發團隊認為Firefox 瀏覽器並沒有針對Windows 來進行優化,因此他們將Firefox 瀏覽器重新優化編譯,大幅提昇了速度和效率,因此誕生了Pale ...

Pale Moon

Pale Moon is an open-source web browser with an emphasis on customization; its motto is Your browser, Your way. There are official releases for Microsoft ...

Pale Moon for Windows

Pale Moon is an open source project that is based on the Mozilla browser but includes many additional features to try to improve its stability, efficiency, and ...

[蒼月瀏覽器] Pale Moon 33.0.0 免安裝中文版

火狐瀏覽器加速版- Pale Moon(蒼月瀏覽器),開發團隊認為火狐瀏覽器並沒有針對Windows作業系統來最佳化,因此,他們成立這個Firefox最佳化專案,根據他們 ...

Pale Moon

Pale Moon aims to be a fast browser for general use, not a secured family browser. The design impact of operating system integrated parental controls as ...

General Information

The Pale Moon project is a community-driven project owned and led by Mr. M.C. Straver BASc, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, ...

The Pale Moon Project homepage

Pale Moon is an Open Source, Mozilla-derived web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux, focusing on efficiency and ease of use.

Download Pale Moon

7-ZIP packed Windows versions. These are simply 7-zipped versions of the Pale Moon browser. Perfect for testing, advanced use, and quick use (unpack and run).

Pale Moon Browser

2023年6月1日 — It supports NPAPI and XUL plugins, complete themes, and a customizable start page. It also emphasizes user privacy by avoiding telemetry and ...


^ Pale Moon 27.6.1 Unofficial. [2017-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-08). ^ Snyder, Bill, Pale Moon: The Fastest Browser You've Never Heard Of, Consumer ...


2024年2月3日—PaleMoon開發團隊認為Firefox瀏覽器並沒有針對Windows來進行優化,因此他們將Firefox瀏覽器重新優化編譯,大幅提昇了速度和效率,因此誕生了Pale ...,PaleMoonisanopen-sourcewebbrowserwithanemphasisoncustomization;itsmottoisYourbrowser,Yourway.ThereareofficialreleasesforMicrosoft ...,PaleMoonisanopensourceprojectthatisbasedontheMozillabrowserbutincludesmanyadditionalfeaturestotrytoimproveits...